Meet Your Connect Groups Pastor!
At The Jefferson Church, Connect Groups create a safe space for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life. Connect Groups gather in homes, coffee shops, restaurants, and other places where people love to connect in our community. At its core, a Connect Group is less about what you do and more about who you do it with. We all need each other, and that’s why we have Connect Groups. No matter where you are in your walk with Christ or what your interests or hobbies are, there’s a Connect Group that's perfect for you!
Interested in LEADING a Connect Group?
You don’t need to have it all together to lead a Connect Group— you just have to be willing to let God use you. If you’re a first-time leader, join us for Connect Group Leader Training. We believe God uses Connect Groups to change people’s lives, and as a leader, you get to be a part of that.

Step 1 – Attend Growth Track. Growth Track is held on the first and second Sunday of each month during our 11am service up in the staff offices!
Step 2 – Join a Connect Group. It’s important that all Connect Group Leaders be a part of a Connect Group BEFORE leading one.
Step 3 – Register to lead at the beginning of the Summer/Fall and Winter/Spring Connect Group Kick Off. The Connect Group Pastor will connect with you to help you prepare to lead your group.
Interested in HOSTING a Connect Group?
Do you enjoy hosting people at your home but aren’t sure if you’re ready to lead a Connect Group? Connect Group Hosts help provide an environment for Connect Groups to flourish. If you are interested in serving as a Connect Group Host, please email Pastor Josh at